missing Trash shortcut into shortcuts menu of the top panel

Charlie Kravetz cjk at teamcharliesangels.com
Sun Apr 4 14:13:40 UTC 2010

On Sun, 04 Apr 2010 15:53:09 +0200
Jérôme Bouat <jerome.bouat at wanadoo.fr> wrote:

> This dockbarx is more difficult to use for senior people.
> I would like a "Trash" shortcut into the shortcuts menu in order to keep 
> the design clear und easily understandable.
> Kjell Le a écrit :
> > Try out dockbarx if you have space problems.
> > http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/DockbarX?content=101604 .
> > 
> > 
> > On 4 April 2010 15:00, Jérôme Bouat <jerome.bouat at wanadoo.fr> wrote:
> >> Hello,
> >>
> >>
> >> In order to save space in height, I customized my desktop by using only
> >> 1 panel which merge the 2 defaults panels.
> >>
> >> However merging the 2 default panels consumes space in width (the
> >> windows list bar is tight).
> >>
> >> Therefore I think we should add a Trash shortcut into the shortcuts menu
> >> of the panel in order to allow the user to remove the Trash applet.
> >>
> >> Please give the user the choice of his/her desktop customization.
> >>
> >>
> >> Regards.
> >>

Since I seem to be one of those "senior people", I though I might chime
in here. The more movement of the panels, redesign of existing items,
changing of icons, etc, the harder it is for us. I do use two panels,
because it nicely separates things and it is something I am used to
having. Removing text, moving icons, other such things simply causes
more confusion. If you want to help senior people, quit suggesting all
these changes which leads to more confusion. I do not learn as easily
as I once did. Every new word, every new icon, every move from the
learned already, adds to my difficulty in using a computer. 

My eyes no longer see good. That means I use text to read the items.
Icons change, text should be the same word every time. I can usually
count on the text meaning what it did from one version to another, one
theme to another. Every icon change means I don't know what the item is

You ask the developers to "give the user the choice of his/her desktop
customization". You have that choice, as demonstrated by your own
design of your suggested changes. Make those changes for yourself. Let
me keep my desktop as I am used to it.

Charlie Kravetz 
Linux Registered User Number 425914          [http://counter.li.org/]
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