2 panels waste the height needed for web browsing on 16/10 screens

Jérôme Bouat jerome.bouat at wanadoo.fr
Sun Apr 4 13:12:28 UTC 2010

What about putting the current top panel on the left on the desktop ?

The "Applications", "Shortcuts" and "System" menu could be replaced by 

I attached a screenshot of this configuration of the 2 panels.

The vertical position of panel at the left can lead to less area
consumption than the top position of the same panel.

Currently, a 16/10 form ratio screen makes 17/10 form ratio of the
maximized windows.

Therefore the panel at the left would make the maximized windows form
ratio like ~16/10 instead of 17/10 currently. The horizontal form ratio
is mostly used for watching movies in fullscreen. Thus the ~16/10 ratio
of the maximized windows would make the use of the firefox and
openoffice easier but not impact the other applications.


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