Another end-user view of showstoppers etc

Peteris Krisjanis pecisk at
Thu Oct 29 08:11:31 UTC 2009

As it is kinda issue I have always raised, I think biggest problem is
inconsistent hardware support. Not poor, but inconsistent. Hardware
section is where most regressions shows their ugly heads. But this
require bigger, more coordinated effort between distros and kernel

It is also bad that if you check hardware which worked before, and it
doesn't work for example in Karmic, you have really small changes that
it will work. Unfortunately kernel is slow and hardware check at least
for selected general devices should be done on regular basis.


2009/10/29 Alex Cockell <alcockell at>:
> Hi folks,
> First of all - I am your putative end-user.  I bought my Thinkpad R61i
> from Linux Emporium with standard 8.04 Desktop preinstalled (off
> Canonical's repos - not a downstream version like Mint or Dell's own),
> and only use software out of Canonical's official repos.  I'm also going
> to be VERY nervous when it comes to a major version upgrade, to the
> point where I might end up buying a new laptop if replacing the OS
> didn't go swimmingly.
> In fact, during a phone conversation with LE, they generally recommend
> clean reinstalls for major OS upgrades.
> It's therefore obvious that I'm an LTS-LTS user, and would be too scared
> to step away from that - although some laptops in LE's range have had to
> have the most recent regular release put on them as earlier versions
> wouldn't start or notice all the hardware.
> Ubuntu is becoming more known by the mainstream - we end-users just want
> machines that *work*.  Might some slight changes into how certain
> enhancements are introduced be an idea?
> For example - is new hardware support regularly SRU'd back into the
> current LTS release, after decent QA?  Or is it the case that if there
> was hardware that was newer than the release level (eg if I bought a new
> lappie and managed to get a restricted level of functionality with
> Hardy..) I would have to wait a year for a new component to start
> working?
> But it's scary to see showstoppers (or what we users would see as
> showstoppers) going into a Gold release, rather than spinning a revised
> RC.  The last thing Canonical needs is for Karmic to be its KDE 4.0,
> considering all the bad press that caused.
> Maybe the idea of the 6-month releases being advertised as "major
> development milestones" is one to consider.
> All I am saying is please don't let Lucid break my machine when I come
> to upgrade to it around July next year...
> Just thoughts from one of your user community.
> Alex Cockell
> --
> Alex Cockell
> Reading, Berks, UK
> alcockell at
> --
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