Ubuntu Domain Server

Derek Broughton derek at pointerstop.ca
Mon Oct 26 12:14:34 UTC 2009

John Moser wrote:

> On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 8:02 PM, Ryan Dwyer <ryandwyer1 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I don't think there's any use discussing whether we think a GUI or CLI is
>> better. Shouldn't we focus on what the typical business wants and what
>> they're prepared to use?
> This is an easy question.
> First off, we need a Windows and Linux tool like Putty for easy X11
> forwarding over SSH.  The Windows version needs to bring an X server
> of its own (or at least have a fully proper MSI package that you can
> publish with it, to give a viable X server).  It could integrate with
> Cygwin/X as well or something.
> I say "like putty" because the actual application interface is going
> to be different.  What you're going to want is a tool that connects
> across; discovers a specific set of applications; and gives one-click
> access to run them over a compressed X11 session. 

I don't follow why you would think an X server on Windows is required.

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