Compiz zoom scary, enabled by default in Karmic RC

Peteris Krisjanis pecisk at
Sun Oct 25 20:07:24 UTC 2009

Interesting is that you hit this only in Karmic, it was enabled
already in Jaunty.

I partly agree that it could be a usability issue (I was seriously
confused first time I hit this accidentally). Maybe some tip while
zooming (like 'use Windows key and and mouse scroll to zoom out' or
whatever) could help, because it is actually good feature when used


2009/10/25 Joe Zimmerman <joe.zimmerman.10 at>:
> Hi all,
> (First time posting to this list, so I apologize if this isn't the right
> place for such comments.)
> I just recently installed Karmic RC, and happened to inadvertently press
> Super+Button2 (this is not as crazy as it seems, since Button2 on my laptop
> is right below the space bar). This made compiz decide to zoom in extremely,
> and I couldn't figure out how to zoom back out again; eventually I just gave
> up and "logged out" (i.e., restarted X); it was only later, after some
> googling, that I discovered Super+mousewheel.
> While this was only a minor annoyance for me, I could easily see a newbie
> doing the same thing and being extremely put-off by the result. Would it be
> possible to disable this particular shortcut by default? (Perhaps instead, a
> whole class of such shortcuts could be activated as an option under
> Appearance or some such.)
> -Joe
> --
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