Ubuntu Domain Server

Steven Susbauer stupendoussteve at me.com
Sun Oct 25 07:26:41 UTC 2009

On Oct 25, 2009, at 2:12 AM, Dotan Cohen wrote:

>>>> And you thing that simple file sharing server based on SMB are
>>>> comparable to Mustang GT?
>>> No. But I think that running a public HTTP server is.
>> Any user can run a public HTTP server without knowing what the hell
>> they are doing. They just follow a howto from
>> the-perfect-server-setup.tk. Of course, that howto also recommends
>> setting up a mail server, but inadvertently doesn't set a password  
>> for
>> the SMTP server.
> Thank you for proving my point.

Or proving the point that easy to use GUI configuration tools can  
actually help make the situation better, for example suggesting the  
user set a password for their SMTP server.

The lack of tools will not prevent untrained users from doing things  
they don't know how to do, but having them can make them at least do  
it a little better.

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