Ubuntu Domain Server

Chan Chung Hang Christopher christopher.chan at bradbury.edu.hk
Wed Oct 21 15:59:42 UTC 2009

Shentino wrote:
> My first impression is that it's something to look into.

Disk images? Give me a break. Disk images (a feature that Windows Server 
does not have) will make this the laughing stock of the IT world. There 
is a reason by Windows Server offers automatic remote installation of 
workstations and not creation of disk images. It is completely 
impractical and impossible if you include all the various software that 
may need installing on the workstation. Even I do not ghost the hundreds 
of Windows workstations I have to manage here in the school whether by 
CD or over the network. Automatic *installation* over the network 
complete with hostname assignment on installation is what you want. 
Tools for this are already in place. How about 'install image' that can 
be put on a CD or a flash drive or loaded over the network and performs 
the installation by prepping the box and then pulling the packages over 
the network since you are targeting businesses.

I love the part about auditing and centralized management of software 
being features that Windows does not have. Ever heard of System 
Management Server? Wait, that thing is ancient. Ever heard of System 
Configuration Center Manager? Auditing, software management, patch 
management, all there. Even without buying that, you can already push 
software packages via group policy.

Man, check out the competition before you got listing supposedly missing 
features. What is with the love of NT-style domains or terminology?

Oh, where is the part about integrating services like email (I think 
this is rather crucial to a business) and file/print? OH, please do not 
forget a centralized user information database. Somehow, the part about 
'joining a workstation' sends shivers down my spine on how you think 
this will be accomplished.
> I'm sure that us open source monkeys can improve on Microsoft in this area
> :)

Yeah. By doing things the 'Linux' way and not copying concepts that even 
Microsoft has moved on from and cannot be applied to Linux/UNIX 
operationg systems.

> On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 6:24 AM, Ryan Dwyer <ryandwyer1 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I've made a specs page here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBusinessServer
>> You can also see some mockup pictures I made here:
>> Name and Role: http://img269.imageshack.us/img269/1210/namerole.png
>> Computer Details: http://img8.imageshack.us/img8/1740/computerz.png
>> Workstation Images: http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/6757/22666240.png
>> Web Server: http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/1795/webserver.png
>> I'm unsure at this stage whether I'll submit it to Brainstorm or go
>> straight to a Launchpad blueprint, but at least I've got a spec for people
>> to look at.
>> Any feedback or suggestions are appreciated.
>> -Ryan
>> On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 11:43 PM, Chan Chung Hang Christopher <
>> christopher.chan at bradbury.edu.hk> wrote:
>>> Shentino wrote:
>>>> I can't very well speak as a "heavy iron" type server administrator but
>>> as
>>>> an "end user peon", so to speak, I have found that GUIs add convenience,
>>> and
>>>> in many cases "point and click" is faster and more convenient than doing
>>>> everything on a command line.  Doubly so if due to a caffeine shortage
>>> I'm a
>>>> bit of a sloppy typist.
>>>> My two cents.
>>> You obviously have not tried to 'point and click' a few dozen iterations
>>> while installing and configuring a Windows computer. That is
>>> INCONVENIENT and takes AGES. Although it is not command line, I use
>>> keyboard shortcuts to speed up the process. Alt-N, Alt-A, Alt-I for
>>> installing dotnetfx for example. No way you can beat the keyboard. Even
>>> better if you can use command line switches to forego the entire process
>>> of "point and click". A command line version asking 'Y/N' is just as
>>> likely to be faster than any point and click too.
>>> This whole GUI for administration business is a complete sham imho and
>>> only serves the needs of paper MCSEs or whatever they call the latest
>>> version of certificates from Microsoft. These guys need to LEARN MORE
>>> whether they will continue administer Windows or move to Linux.
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