Evolution attachments

George Farris george.farris at viu.ca
Wed Oct 7 15:41:35 UTC 2009

I've just noticed that the new Evolution no long displays a paper clip
in the toolbar for adding attachments.  This function has now moved to a
button at the bottom of the window.

Almost every email application in the world uses the paper clip as an
indication of adding attachments, why then did Evo remove it?  Weird
idea folks.  We spend years getting people used to an idea, quite a good
one in my mind, then in one crazed instance we bash their brains against
the wall and remove it.

Does anyone else find this just totally strange?  Do you have any idea
the amount of support requests a simple thing like this creates.

Anyway thanks for the rant time.  Hope we can put back the clip.


George Farris   george.farris at viu.ca
Vancouver Island University

"As Open Source continues to explode, and as we continue to see such huge
growth and success as it spreads across the world and into different
industries, we all need to remember that the raw ingredients that make
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privileged to spend every day with these people."  Jono Bacon

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