Japanese Input with Karmic?

Kevin Fries kfries at cctus.com
Tue Nov 24 23:43:13 UTC 2009

Does anybody here use Japanese input as a secondary language?

My computer was installed using the default English language, but I need to converse with Japanese people on a regular basis.  So, I went into the System->Administration->Language Support just like I did on all the versions of Ubuntu.  But SCIM does not seem to be popped up any more.  When I press Ctrl-Space... nothing.  Right now while in Firefox, scim says that anthy is active... does this look like Japanese.  Not to me either.

In order to get any Japanese support, I have to go into GEdit.  Pressing Ctrl-space does not work, but I can right click and select Input Methods->SCIM Input Method, and presto, romanji is converted into にほんご (Japanese).  I can then paste that into my Firefox, Thunderbird, OpenOffice, etc.  So its not a language support issue, its an input issue.  I need to write to our Tokyo office and need this to work.

Before filing a bug... Can someone else confirm or tell me how they got theirs to work?


Kevin Fries
Senior Linux Engineer
Computer and Communications Technology, Inc
A division of Japan Communications Inc
(303) 708-9228 x326

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