Stop the madness

Joao Pinto joao.pinto at
Wed Nov 18 22:24:45 UTC 2009

On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 3:29 PM, Markus Hitter <mah at> wrote:

> Am 17.11.2009 um 12:19 schrieb patrick:
> > Give a distribution the time to mature, listen to your big chief, even
> > when it's for only time only: 1 distribution a year will bring quality
> > software instead of buggy software like it is now !!
> I had some thoughts on this as well and came to the conclusion, the
> base system and applications should be decoupled. Currently, the
> major reason to upgrade to the latest is for getting recent versions
> of applications.
> Right now I'd be glad if I could run e.g. the latest VLC or AbiWord
> on last year's Ubuntu (Hardy). Hardy worked so well with my hardware
> while Jaunty asks me to do 5 minutes of manual tweaking until all
> subsystems are running. After each boot!
> Of course, I could compile packages manually from upstream sources,
> and I have to for some packages as the distributed one is broken or
> removed intentionally (kqemu). But that's not the intention of using
> a distribution, after all.
> There are some buddies providing PPA's across Ubuntu releases for
> popular applications and I appreciate that very much. Perhaps it's
> possible to extend that path and allow users to run modern
> applications on a matured base system (kernel, drivers, blank
> desktop, admin controls).
> Markus
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> Dipl. Ing. Markus Hitter
I totally agree with you, standalone apps should not follow the same stable
release updates policy as core packages like the kernel or "system"
Wether we like it or not, this is something that works well on Windows, you
can easily get the latest app version, if something breaks you more easily
identify that the problem was with that particular upgrade, if it's too
serious you just re-install the previous version.
On Ubuntu you need to wait 6 months to get the new application, if you find
a problem  you can't easily identify the root cause beause a lot more was
changed that could impact the app, installing the previous version is not

This is a serious problem, and the main motivation for the getdeb project,
we provide current applications for the current release.

Youd also have the ubuntu-backports project, but as far I can see they have
a limited scoped.

Best regards,

João Luís Marques Pinto
GetDeb Team Leader
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