Save Icon modernization needed

Joseph Miller josephcmiller2 at
Sun Nov 15 02:35:09 UTC 2009

> Also, I use Ubuntu 9.10 with the default theme ((Humanity icon theme)
> and all save icons  seem to show a harddisk (3.5") with an arrow
> pointing downward. Not that this is any more intuitive (who, in the
> grand scheme of things, has looked inside their computer to actually see
> a HD? Laptops don't even have 3.5" disks), but whatever :)
Be careful.  In just a few years, most laptops will probably have a
solid-state disk.  We need to look waaaay beyond where we're looking now.
And as a response to "it doesn't make sense to change it because everyone
knows what it is." - I think this answer is lacking.  We should be
forward-thinking.  But it will take some real creativity to find something

I'm not particularly creative in this way, but perhaps something like an
icon of a paper going into a folder?  Or perhaps an icon which looks on way
when there are changes that need to be saved, and another way just after
saving.  It may be more intuitive if it is an icon which is providing
feedback.  Since the new icon is a paper with a plus sign on it, maybe the
save icon should be a piece of paper with writing and/or graphics on it with
a down arrow on it.  A red asterisk could be applied on top of that if the
document has changes which need to be saved.
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