Subcategories in Software Center

Robbie Williamson robbie at
Wed Nov 11 22:07:52 UTC 2009

Already a step ahead of you ;)

On Wed, 2009-11-11 at 11:14 -0800, Alarcón Vladimir wrote: 
> Hi, is this the right place to ask for an improvement?
> I was thinking if it's possible to add a second-level categories in the Software Center. For example, instead of having 300 games under "Games", we could have some second-level categories like "Strategy", "Role Playing", "Arcade", "Simulation", etc. 
> The problem I see is that only a few end users will look beyond the first page of games (it's boring), so if a game's name starts with "Z" will have a lot less chance to be installed than a game that starts with "A".
> Maybe that apply to other categories too.
> Vladimir

Robbie Williamson <robbie at>

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