cancel the 9.10 release... it is not ready

Kevin Fries kfries at
Mon Nov 9 20:48:47 UTC 2009

Remember, Lucid is an LTS release.  This will have four big side effects:

   - Generally fewer new features (Though rumor of Gnome 3.0, and pushing for a 10 sec boot is kinda scary)
   - Fewer Alpha releases
   - Two Beta Releases
   - Two weeks of RC release instead of the usual one.

Next release already has the controls in place to be more conservative.

Kevin Fries
Senior Linux Engineer
Computer and Communications Technology, Inc
A division of Japan Communications Inc
(303) 708-9228 x326
From: ubuntu-devel-discuss-bounces at [ubuntu-devel-discuss-bounces at] On Behalf Of Shentino [shentino at]
Sent: Monday, November 09, 2009 8:44 AM
To: Mohammed Bassit
Cc: ubuntu-devel-discuss at
Subject: Re: cancel the 9.10 release... it is not ready

Seeing as the horse is already out of the barn, I don't think there's anything more we can do except hope for updates.

Meantime, I think focusing on getting an early polishing to Lucid as a preventative measure would be a good idea.

On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 4:03 AM, Mohammed Bassit <webceo123 at<mailto:webceo123 at>> wrote:

> El 10/26/2009 12:28 PM, Mohammed Bassit escribió:
> > [...]
> >> I really like to persuade people to use ubuntu. But as long
> >> as it looks unready it will strengthen their opinion, that linux
> >> is only for nerds. Pleas learn your lesson from the debian
> >> community and release a new version only if its ready.
> >>
> >>
> >
> > You are free to use Debian !
> >
> After being migrated from Jaunty to Karmic in three machines (one at
> work, one mine, and one of a friend), specially seeing that all that
> works in Jaunty (wireless, ethernet, sound!!!!!) stop working in Karmic

Can you give us more details about what went wrong with your network and
sound ? was it working in Jaunty out of the box ? did it just break once
you upgraded to Karmic ?

And those three machines you're talking about, do they have similar
network and sound cards ? are all three of them from the same make and
model ?

> in my end-user friend machine (I replaced her Windows Vista to Kubuntu,
> and since Jaunty she was happy and I was proud of that), I seriously

I don't see why you decided to upgrade to Karmic if the user was happy
with Jaunty ?

> considering that option. In this moment I think Debian releases are more
> "user friendly" that the "for human beings" latest distribution.

I have to agree that Debian releases tend to be more stable, but I'm not
sure about the user friendly thing !!

> Sorry, I don't want to make FUD, but I'm really sad about it. And I see
> I'm not the only one :-/

I have seen a few people complaining about their upgrades from Jaunty to
Karmic that went bad. I personally upgraded three computers to Karmic
without any issues (Actually the jack sense on my work computer's sound
card wasn't working in Jaunty and it works now in Karmic).

Anyway, it doesn't seem like a common issue, I have only seen a few
cases of upgrade fails, and in most of them it was the users
"fault" (using apt to upgrade for instance).

> Best regards,
> Natanael.
> > Thanks,


Mohammed Bassit <webceo123 at<mailto:webceo123 at>>

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