upgrade from 9.04 - 9.10: the most broken Ubuntu / Debian upgrade I have ever experienced

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at ubuntu.com
Sun Nov 8 11:36:09 UTC 2009

Davyd McColl [2009-11-07  9:54 +0200]:
> I'll be quite happy to report a bug. I don't think my problem is udev
> though -- the launchpad URL you gave suggests that a little bit of shell
> code should return a number > 1000 for the problem to exist (I have to admit
> that I haven't really interrogated the code, but it looks like it's just
> looking for a count of file descriptors?)

Yes. That bug was a about an fd descriptor leak in udev which caused
pretty much any hardware change to get failed to notice.

> Anyhoo, when I ran it here, I get '22'. 

So that's not it then.

Please do "ubuntu-bug storage" and report it when you can reproduce
the problem.


Martin Pitt                        | http://www.piware.de
Ubuntu Developer (www.ubuntu.com)  | Debian Developer  (www.debian.org)

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