upgrade from 9.04 - 9.10: the most broken Ubuntu / Debian upgrade I have ever experienced

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at ubuntu.com
Sat Nov 7 07:39:53 UTC 2009

Davyd McColl [2009-11-06 21:24 +0200]:
> 1) Removable media inconsistently not show up in the Places menu when
> inserted (flash drives, external hard-drives, dvd-roms). The problem has
> "gone away" on two occasions, but I've been unable to find a proper pattern.

Try have a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/463347 -- there is
currently an udev in proposed which should fix a lot of those
symptoms. If it still happens, please do "ubuntu-bug" and file a new
bug against the "storage device" symptom.

> 2) I have two fixed drives in my system for That Other OS. I used to just be
> able to mount them by clicking their respective icons in the Places menu and
> they would be mounted via ntfs-3g (FUSE). Now, one of them (the main drive
> of the OS) mounts when I click its icon; the other requires me to authorise
> myself with a natty dialog and the reason being related to:
> org.freedesktop.devicekit.disks.filesystem-mount-system-internal

Yes, that's a known usability problem right now. Feel free to report a
bug against devicekit-disks.

> I also notice, from my clean 9.10 vbox vm, that the old policykit
> is not installed by default any more.

It was superseded (for GNOME) by policykit-1, as you said.

> I've uninstalled it from my main machine here, but it also took a
> few apps (k3b and some other K apps) with it -- which I'm not all
> that pleased about. I don't use k3b often, but it's nice to know
> that I have it if I want all the advanced features it offers.

Well, then don't uninstall it -- "you asked for it, you got it". :-)
There's nothing wrong with having both installed.

> Also, I'd like to know if policykit and policykit-1 can interfere
> with each other? Was removing the older package necessary?

No, it's not. If so, we'd have built that into the packaging (like the
two packages declaring a conflict to each other). So you should be
able to safely install k3b again.



Martin Pitt                        | http://www.piware.de
Ubuntu Developer (www.ubuntu.com)  | Debian Developer  (www.debian.org)

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