upgrade from 9.04 - 9.10: the most broken Ubuntu / Debian upgrade I have ever experienced

kkissling kkissling at linuxnewmedia.de
Wed Nov 4 08:15:42 UTC 2009

Jonathan Ernst schrieb folgendes am 04.11.2009 09:08:
> Le mercredi 04 novembre 2009 à 08:58 +0100, kkissling a écrit : 
>> [...]
>> I made the same experience several times in the past. Sometimes even 
>> "apt-get install -f" failed and I had to manually uninstall certain 
>> packages in order to move on. So what I learned from this experience is 
>> to always use the official way of upgrading. It always worked well, but 
>> its of cause not the best possible solution if you prefer the commandline :/
> If you prefer the command line, do-release-upgrade works just fine.
The keyords are "in the past". Those things happend when I upgraded from 
7.10 to 8.04. Did "do-release-upgrade" already exist back than? Anyway, 
good advice, I didn't know that command yet.


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