Idea: Dyslexia screen tinter
Matthew Paul Thomas
mpt at
Tue Nov 3 12:42:41 UTC 2009
Hash: SHA1
Neil Munro wrote on 02/11/09 19:37:
> What I propose is a centralised dedicated accessibility tool that
> enables the user to slide colour values up and down to change both
> background and text colour, with an example block of text that changes
> as they edit the values. It should also remain consistent between
> themes, if a new theme is loaded it should either apply the
> accessibility elements or if it can't, print a warning that informs
> the user that the theme they wish to use can't support their needs.
A one-stop-shop for accessibility features would be good for multiple
reasons. If you'd like to specify one, I suggest following the feature
specification process. <>
Now, at the start of a new release cycle, is the ideal time to do that.
But pay particular attention to step 5, "Gather a community around your
specification", because features don't implement themselves. :-)
One delicate issue with color tinting in particular is that the
science behind it is apparently rather contentious.
<> I have no
reason to doubt that it has helped your friends, and we don't require
scientific rigor for introduction of other features in Ubuntu -- but at
the same time, it would reflect poorly on us if we were implicitly
promoting placebos.
> They new software store is one such application that might be
> problematic and can't be fixed by editing the colour values in the
> theme manager. It has a blue background in the main window that does
> not change from theme to theme, those with trouble reading black on
> pastel blue might find using software store a nightmare. However
> moving it to black on white might make it harder for those who can't
> read black on white.
The reason I specified a color there is that I wanted to emphasize your
location in the "Get Free Software" section (blue) as opposed to the
"Installed Software" section (white). Maybe there is a more
theme-sensitive way we can do that.
- --
Matthew Paul Thomas
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