Idea: Dyslexia screen tinter

Neil Munro neilmunro at
Mon Nov 2 01:53:45 UTC 2009

Hello, please forgive me if I get protocall wrong, I've read up and tried to
get something implemented into Ubuntu that although doesn't directly affect
me, I feel it represents a barrier of entry to use Ubuntu.

Many of my friends or people I have met have dyslexia and struggle to read
information on screen, however recent studies have shown overlaying colour
over text or changing both the text colour and it's background colour can
make it significantly easier to read for some individuals.

Software solutions exist for Windows, I've submitted a bug report on
launchpad that has been confirmed by someone else, but nothing has been done
with it since it was placed in the hands of the a11y team, it's something i
feel strongly about and was wondering if I should take a more involved
approach in getting this issue addressed.

Should anyone be interested or want more information I'd be more than happy
to present everything I've come up with so far.

Many thanks
Neil Munro
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