Jaunty 64-bit and NVIDIA -- Any ideas?

Davyd McColl davydm at gmail.com
Mon May 25 05:59:05 UTC 2009

Good day

I've used Ubuntu for quite some time (years), following upgrade cycles on
32-bit and staying clear of 64-bit just because a lot of people have
reported having a hard time of it. I recently installed 64-bit Jaunty on my
laptop (HP Pavillion dv9352 with NVIDIA 7600 go graphics) and it worked so
swimmingly that I decided to finally do a clean 64-bit install on my desktop
instead of just dist-upgrade'ing to Jaunty as I would have normally done.

Things have been good for a while -- but the problems have started as soon
as I've required 3D applications to work. It started when I switched from
"Blank Screen" to the "BlinkBox" screensaver. I came back to my machine to
find it locked up after a while. This process was repeatable. Suspecting
gnome-screensaver, I uninstalled and installed xscreensaver instead -- no
change. And other 3D screensavers (like Bouncing Cow) cause the same issue.

When I was playin Diablo II via WINE last night, I got a lockup after about
20 min play. All system temps are well within normal operating ranges -- the
hardware doesn't seem to be the problem. <ALT>-<SYSRQ> keys still work, so
the kernel is still alive. Suspecting graphics, I've downgraded from the 180
driver to the 173 -- same effect. The older 96 (iirc) driver doesn't seem to
allow compiz, but does seem to suck just as much -- glxgears brought the
system to a standstill, with occassional response from the mouse cursor --
but nothing else. I must also note here that glxgears quite reliably
reproduces the system lockup for the 173 and 180 drivers.

My next recourse is to try the beta (185) drivers from NVIDIA. I would have
already but the download I left going overnight apparently broke somehow:
the installer is complaining about a checksum mismatch -- so I'm

What I want to know is: is this common for 64-bit systems (to have dodgy
proprietary (ie, NVIDIA / ATI) drivers)? I've seen a lot of posts online
about similar issues but they range right from Warty days -- has this always
been an issue? Should I have rather just stuck with 32-bit? And does anyone
know of aything other than trying the beta drivers which I can give a bash?
I'm not a hectic gamer, but I do like to play something now and then (doom,
quake, diablo, serious sam, etc), and it sucks that I'm unable to use a
simple GL screensaver.

Any ideas are appreciated.


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