L2TP dialer included as default

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at gmail.com
Mon May 18 17:52:51 UTC 2009

2009/5/18 Joshua Saunders <josh at vegansite.net>:
> Hello guys,
> For a long time cable users were suffering for the lack of a L2TP dialer
> in the default ubuntu setup.
> What it means is that users installed the OS, but had no means of
> connecting to the internet.
> It affects only users who have no router and are connected via cables
> (not DSL), but it's still a large amount of users.
> Please consider including this tool in the default ubuntu install.
> http://run.tournament.org.il/cables-connection-in-israel-for-linux/
> This specific tool is only useful for users in Israel, as it does not
> yet support manually entering the L2TP host address(only choosing from a
> list of Israeli providers), but it will soon.
> If that's not possible, at least add it to the repositories, so it'll be
> available for install.
> If this isn't the right place to discuss this, please let me know where
> I can bring this up.
> Thank you,
> Josh

I should mention here that of the 40-50 Kubuntu installs that I have
done for people, about 10 of them went right back to their old
operating system due to lack of an L2TP dialer in the default Ubuntu

No L2TP dialer == No Internet == No *buntu

Dotan Cohen


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