High CPU usage applet

Martin Bammer mrb74 at gmx.at
Fri May 8 16:57:39 UTC 2009


do you know the hardware-monitor applet? I've extended this applet to
have exactly this feature.
It shows in the tooltip processes which consume lot's of cpu or memory
ressources. But because I'm not a gnome/gtk programmer I couldn't get
"kill" buttons into the tooltip.
If you are interested I can post the patched version of this applet. But
this applet still has one problem: It fails to run/compile on Jaunty
because of depencies to old libs. But if you use Intrepid you will have
no problems.

Cheers, Martin

Am Freitag, den 08.05.2009, 13:47 +0100 schrieb Andrew Sayers:
> I think this is a really good idea.  Making it an applet would let you 
> list "suspects" (programs that have a high CPU load, or use a lot of 
> memory, etc.), then send a STOP signal to processes guilty beyond a 
> reasonable doubt, before asking the user what to do.
> I once played around with a command-line program that looked for 
> applications that were page-faulting like it was going out of style, by 
> repeatedly reading /proc/[0-9]*/stat.  If you're interested in pursuing 
> this idea yourself, I'd be happy to send along the (C++) code I wrote 
> back then.
> 	- Andrew

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