The creeping religion of click on this

Patrick Goetz pgoetz at
Wed May 6 17:42:06 UTC 2009

After an ongoing now 2-week long discussion with Canonical support 
regarding some strange behavior involving the use of the proprietary 
Broadcom STA driver documented here:

it occurred to me that I have no idea what is actually going on when I 
click on various menu options and GUI applets enabling this or turning 
off that.  This makes it nearly impossible to debug problems like the 
one described above.

Although such system administration applets are obviously needed to make 
the system usable by ordinary users, it seems clear that by providing 
only such an interface, Canonical is effectively taking experienced 
users/administrators like myself out of the debugging loop by creating a 
huge hurdle between the administrator and the actual kernel 
modules/configuration files/etc. that are being 
loaded/manipulated/changed; i.e. I don't have time to forensically 
determine what is actually going on when I click on those buttons.
Perl/Python/shell scripts are self-documenting; GUI applets are not.

Solution:  Provide a text-based narrative documenting each systems' 
administration applet which describes exactly what is being done and in 
what order when the applet is used.  I claim that the very requirement 
for such a narrative will vastly improve the functionality of SA 
applets, since it will require developers to "think through" the task 
being addressed.  The upfront cost of adding such a feature will be tiny 
compared to the time saved in debugging/maintaining/upgrading it 
subsequently, if only because more people will know what is going on and 
can contribute to improving/fixing it.  In the particular example 
described above, if there were a file(s) which explained what is 
happening when proprietary drivers are enabled/disabled some user who 
can't stand this kind of entropy would have tracked down this bug a long 
time ago and a fix would already be scheduled rather than having it 
languishing around forever as an annoyance to the experienced and a deal 
killer for those who are trying Ubuntu for the first time.

Precedent: Old timers who have worked with IBM AIX will remember 
"smitty" or SMIT (System Management Interface Tool), a menu-based SA 
tool supplied with AIX.  One of the selling points of SMIT was the 
administrator always had access to a screen which showed precisely which 
commands SMIT was executing to accomplish some task.

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