Whither Ekiga 3.2.0 in Jaunty?

Ken VanDine ken.vandine at canonical.com
Sun Mar 29 20:27:41 UTC 2009

Ekiga 3.2.0 sources have been uploaded to Jaunty but it isn't built yet.
I am not sure what is going on there.  I will check into it.


On Sat, 2009-03-28 at 23:37 -0700, David Fox wrote:
> I've been looking to test the new 3.2.0 version of ekiga on my Jaunty
> installation. I upgraded to jaunty some time ago for other reasons,
> and I have 3.0.1 installed (plus self-compiled 3.2.0 in /usr/local).
> I'm eager to check out the "official" ubuntu version, and I've gotten
> the announce on jaunty-changes a few days ago, and my system is fully
> up to dat4, yet ekiga never got installed. I don't see any apt
> activity since 3.0.1 came through on the dist-upgrade from Ibex to
> Jaunty.
> All the other packages that were installable over the last few days
> got installed but the new ekiga, it seems.
Ken VanDine
Ubuntu - Linux for human beings | www.ubuntu.com

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