Large files under ubuntu do not appear to work

Jan Claeys lists at
Fri Mar 27 04:08:46 UTC 2009

Op donderdag 26-03-2009 om 08:13 uur [tijdzone +0100], schreef Stephan
> TBH, I just bursted into a laugh attack....for easyiness: 500
> Gigabytes
> as written on a Harddrive label are not the same as 500 Gigabytes
> transfered over the Network (when you know HD vendor definition: kilo
> == 1000 and Network vendor definition normally kilo == 1024)

As said in another mail: (most?) network device vendors use kilo = 1000.

> Check for yourself...and be frustrated of different "standards" (which
> makes be lol again now ;))

The fact that (some) vendors don't follow standards doesn't mean they
aren't useful.  It just means they should be enforced better.

We don't want to go back to the time when an "inch" (or a "zoll" in
German) meant something different in every other village, don't we?

Jan Claeys

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