Large files under ubuntu do not appear to work

Mackenzie Morgan macoafi at
Thu Mar 26 15:42:19 UTC 2009

On Thursday 26 March 2009 9:57:17 am Scott James Remnant wrote:
> On Thu, 2009-03-26 at 08:13 +0100, Stephan Hermann wrote:
> > TBH, I just bursted into a laugh attack....for easyiness: 500 Gigabytes
> > as written on a Harddrive label are not the same as 500 Gigabytes
> > transfered over the Network (when you know HD vendor definition: kilo ==
> > 1000 and Network vendor definition normally kilo == 1024)
> > 
> The latter isn't true either.
> Network speeds are generally in thousands of bits per second and
> multiples thereof.

Yep, its 10 mbit internet...though usually the people selling it to you don't 
know the difference and will tell you 10 mbyte internet...So it sounds *great* 
on the phone...but that's really 1.2mbyte.

Mackenzie Morgan
apt-get moo
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