Reason for removing animation from Gnome login?

Ernst Persson ernstp at
Fri Mar 20 21:25:18 UTC 2009


I saw Scott removing animation from gnome login. What's the reason for
that? I don't see any motivation or reference to a bugreport.
It works very nice here and looks nice with all the nvidia drivers,
nv, nouveau and nvidia.

By Scott James Remnant:

nautilus (1:2.26.0-0ubuntu2)

    * debian/patches/95_no-initial-fade.patch: Patch to disable the
initial fade-in of the background without disabling crossfades when
the background is changed.

gnome-panel (1:2.26.0-0ubuntu3)

    * debian/patches/95_disable-initial-animation.patch: Patch to add
build-time flag to disable the initial slide-in animation.
    * debian/rules: Disable the initial animation.

/Ernst Persson

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