Remove app via apt-get from menu

Remco remco47 at
Fri Mar 20 00:13:42 UTC 2009

On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 12:35 AM, Markus Hitter <mah at> wrote:
>> -- there *are* context menu's on almost everything else in Ubuntu
> Yes, almost everything. Everything exept menus them selfs.

That's not true. The menu has a context menu with the following options:

Add this launcher to panel
Add this launcher to desktop
Entire menu >
    Add this launcher to panel
    Add this launcher to desktop

One more option won't hurt. Another alternative I thought of is that
of an uninstall icon to the right of each application. That would
require only a left click. Of course it would first come up with a
dialog to prevent accidental uninstalling.


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