Main frozen for Alpha 6
Paulo Silva
nitrofurano at
Wed Mar 11 23:00:07 UTC 2009
i saw from slashdot twitter that files on ext4 are being missed? i
confess i were expecting this happening, since ext4 is still too
recent - maybe would be a good idea to release ext4 only on Karmic
Koala? Defaultly, i'm not feeling too courageous, as user, on try ext4
that soon...
On 3/10/09, Steve Langasek <steve.langasek at> wrote:
> Dear developers,
> Jaunty Alpha 6 is scheduled for this Thursday, Mar 12, so the milestone
> freeze is now in effect. Please take care that any packages you upload to
> main between now and the Alpha 6 release will help us in the goal of a high
> quality and timely alpha, and hold any disruptive or unnecessary uploads
> until after the alpha is out. Again, this means the primary focus should be
> on resolving these bugs:
> The number of bugs targeted to this milestone as blockers is small, but
> there's plenty of other work to be done in getting the archive in a
> consistent state so that we don't have uninstallable packages for the
> alpha-6 milestone:
> Remember that this is a "soft" freeze, so you are each responsible for
> making sure your uploads are appropriate - Launchpad will not be your safety
> net.[1]
> Packages that are not seeded on the CDs (i.e., most packages in universe,
> with the exception of UbuntuStudio, Xubuntu, and Mythbuntu packages) may be
> uploaded as usual.
> Cheers,
> --
> Steve Langasek
> On behalf of the Ubuntu release team
> [1]
> --
> ubuntu-devel-announce mailing list
> ubuntu-devel-announce at
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