[Pkg-fglrx-devel] AMD Dropping R300-R500 Support In Catalyst Driver

Patrick Matthäi patrick at linux-dev.org
Thu Mar 5 17:16:21 UTC 2009

Bertrand Marc schrieb:
> Patrick Matthäi a écrit :
>> Hello,
>> I just saw this today:
>> http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=amd_r500_legacy&num=1
>> Fact:
>> AMD will drop the support with 9.4 for all cards which are older than 
>> the HD 2000 series to focus on newer card. 9.3 will be the last 
>> release which supports 300-500 cards.
>> How annoying..
>> Also we are not able to support the legacy driver until Squeeze, due 
>> of Xorg ABI bumps (incompatible with Xorg 1.5.99) and the kernel 
>> module is also not every time in a good way patchable..
>> Comments?
> Hello,
> I would have plenty of comments about AMD, but let's stick with fglrx...

Yeah and this does not help anyone :)

> On our end I think we just need to make it clear to users still using 
> R300-500.

This would be one solution.

> As you said 9.3 will probably not work with squeeze, so it has 
> no sense to upload a legacy driver, hasn't it ?

Depends on how fast Squeeze releases and with which kernel and if we are 
able to patch it.
But the biggest problem is the Xorg incompatibility. 9-2 does not fit 
with xserver 1.5 yet. We could just still hope that 9-3 will do so, then 
we had a chance..

> I am curious to see what commercial distribution (as Ubuntu) will do 
> about it. Maybe they'll patch 9.3 as long as possible and we will be 
> able to use their work ?

Kanotix is the commercial one, not Ubuntu.

Anyway I CCed the maintainer list of the Ubuntu fglrx maintainers.
What are your plans?


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