unsure how to submit package for tth, pkg doc comments

Travis travis+ml-ubuntu-dev at subspacefield.org
Thu Mar 12 20:13:50 UTC 2009


I have been following this URL for updating a newer tth package:


It is a pretty good guide, but so far in my reading it, I haven't found
out how I submit my package.

I've filed a bug for it in launchpad.net:

However, that page also doesn't give much hint on how to proceed.

Do I use the feature to add an attachment there?

If so, what exactly do I add?

It sure would be nice if the documentation were more clear.

There's a ton of documentation but it's not very well organized.

I would suggest a single page that links to subpages on different
topics; creating a package from scratch, and updating an existing
ubuntu package, and maybe updating an existing debian package.
These pages could then link to pages that are shared amongst them.

I hope to attend one of the packaging seminars.
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