Karmic Release Schedule

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at ubuntu.com
Wed Mar 4 20:31:24 UTC 2009

Hello Robbie,

Robbie Williamson [2009-03-04  9:24 -0600]:
> This was suggested by some of the platform leads. Some partners not familiar
> with our release process assume that FeatureFreeze is the deadline by which they
> can submit their code *for the first time*...that is, they have not made *any*
> public drops to us or anyone else in the Ubuntu community until this point.

Right. FF has always meant "the day of reckoning about the features
that landed so far", not "the day to kick them into the distro", but I
agree that this isn't quite clear by just looking at the schedule
(you'd actually have to follow the FF link to its description).

> The FeatureDefinitionFreeze and NewPackageDeadline was created to be
> able to keep these entities "honest", with regards to the schedule.
> Maybe we rename it to PartnerNewPackageDeadline, to indicate the
> audience...would that be better?

Thanks for the explanation, and sorry for the misunderstanding. I saw
that you renamed it, sounds perfect to me now.

FWIW, I don't consider this a Canonical-only thing; after all, the
stuff that lands in Ubuntu applies to every Ubuntu user (e. g. the BBC
plugin for totem which landed in intrepid), and thus it should be on
the public schedule.


Martin Pitt                        | http://www.piware.de
Ubuntu Developer (www.ubuntu.com)  | Debian Developer  (www.debian.org)

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