Karmic Release Schedule

Morten Kjeldgaard mok at bioxray.au.dk
Wed Mar 4 07:40:13 UTC 2009

On 03/03/2009, at 22.04, Scott Kitterman wrote:

> Could we have some discussion about cutting two weeks off of getting  
> new
> packages in?  I'd like to understand why it was moved back and what  
> problem
> we are trying to solve.  Was there some discussion already of adding  
> an
> earlier "NewPackageUploadDeadline"?
> I thought the freeze consolidation has been very good and I wouldn't  
> want
> us to casually spread things back out.

I haven't seen any discussion of the "NewPackageUploadDeadline"  
either, and I also think it's a bad idea. New uploads don't create  
regressions (by definition), and there aren't many of them. Further,  
dealing with bugs in new packages is not a major problem, especially  
since there are packagers who (still) care about them, and packagers  
generally monitor their own packages very well.

Another thing I'd like to point out is that the distance between DIF  
and FF must not be too long. The problem is that a while after DIF, we  
are inundated with tons of please-sync requests; they take time to  
process and fill up the sponsor's queue. In the JJ cycle, that period  
was 50 days, in the proposed KK schedule, it is 62 days. In my  
opinion, 30-40 days would be better.


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