Provide a GUI option in the installer to enable popcon

Mackenzie Morgan macoafi at
Tue Jun 23 17:48:27 UTC 2009

On Tuesday 23 June 2009 1:36:21 pm Siegfried-Angel wrote:
> 2009/6/23 Andrew Sayers <andrew-ubuntu-devel at>:
> > [...] and
> > reasonable to at least ask in final versions (even the laziest user is
> > enabled to make his or her individual contribution).
> >
> > If just 1% of Ubuntu users tick the box, that gives us enough data to
> > improve Ubuntu by justifying our decisions with evidence.
> If I remember correctly there is already such an option in the installer.

I think he wants it to be more prominent, not hidden behind "advanced", that 
way it gets more use.

Mackenzie Morgan
apt-get moo
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