Replace Tomboy with Gnote?

Evan eapache at
Sat Jun 20 21:31:31 UTC 2009

On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 12:41 PM, Tim Zakharov <tzakharov at> wrote:

> On Sat, 2009-06-20 at 12:16 -0400, Mackenzie Morgan wrote:
> > > f-spot but the fact that it copies all the pics in its own folder gives
> > >    an "alien" and feeling to it, in the sense that it seems to me the
> > > program is doing something I didn't ask for (pictures take lot of
> space).
> >
> > Seeing as that's optional, yes you did.  I find the copying useful since
> > well...if it didn't copy them, it'd be like GThumb, pretending to
> organize my
> > camera (not actually changing the filesystem by the way, just pretending)
> and
> > not getting the images onto the computer.  You'd have to manually copy
> all the
> > images from the camera to the hard drive, then run GThumb/F-Spot.  In
> that
> > case, why are they set to start when a camera is plugged in or an SD card
> > inserted?  They'd be rather useless for the "getting stuff of the camera"
> > usecase (the usecase implied by their autolaunching).
> >
> In my case, I keep all photos on a large external drive to conserve
> space in my home directory, and import only the thumbnails into f-spot,
> so I must remember to uncheck this box each time, or it copies over the
> full jpgs to home/tim/Photos.  This would quickly wipe out my free
> space, and needlessly make a duplicate of each photo (I already keep
> backups on another system).  So in my case, as with Vincenzo, it is a
> feature I don't like.

I happen to quite like this feature, since I use it to copy pictures off my
camera and onto disk while importing them into F-Spot, and I think that
ought to be a fairly common use case. I would vote against removing this
feature, however perhaps the default should be to have it unchecked. Someone
should talk to upstream on that.

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