Replace Tomboy with Gnote?

Christopher James Halse Rogers chalserogers at
Wed Jun 17 04:03:35 UTC 2009

On Tue, 2009-06-16 at 23:32 -0400, Danny Piccirillo wrote:
> Let's all refrain from a mono flamewar. We all know where we stand (if
> you don't, look elsewhere to learn more!) and won't change anyone's
> opinion. 
> Anyways, someone on the forums started a discussion about this and i
> was wondering what you guys on the list though. There was a surprising
> amount of support and quite a few people seem to have already switched
> to Gnote. Reasons seem to be: improved integration, similar look,
> faster and uses less memory, and it's smaller (and for those who care,
> it doesn't require mono). Reasons against seem to be: lacking some
> features. There didn't seem to be much detail on any of the points on
> both sides though. 

There doesn't seem to be a lot of content here.
Questions that would need to be answered:
* Better integration with what?
* Faster - as measured by?  How much faster?  Will this remain when it
is feature-complete?
* Less memory - again, as measured by?  How much less?  Will this remain
when it is feature-complete?
* What features does it lack?

And additionally:
* How responsive is upstream?  
* How quickly are bugs fixed?
* Is upstream likely to be robust?
* Security flaws?

Without answers to these questions there's really nothing to discuss.
If you can provide some answers to these questions, there's a discussion
to be had and the tradeoffs can be weighed.  Otherwise there's no data,
and the discussion will revolve solely around posters objections to
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