Whatever happened to...

Mat Tomaszewski mat.tomaszewski at canonical.com
Wed Jun 10 09:39:12 UTC 2009

Evan wrote:
> In the Intrepid cycle, there was something going on where it would add 
> a "last good boot" option to grub instead of all the old kernels in 
> order to keep the list cleaner and shorter. It was dropped quite close 
> to release because of some unfixed bugs, and seems to have 
> disappeared. Whatever happened to that? Is it still on the table for 
> some future release, or is it dead?

It would be great to see that resurrected. Even though we decided not to 
present GRUB menu by default (on Shift-press only) it seems like a nice 
option. Would be great if we could also use that in our new system-wide 
graphical OS Selector.


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