Question about package usage of /opt
LD 'Gus' Landis
ldlandis at
Mon Jun 8 22:45:46 UTC 2009
Hi Jan, et al,
Re: Use of /usr/share
- Is there a registry for names under /usr/share?
I would prefer having a known space that does
not conflict with others. (e.g. /usr/share/fwslc).
- Is it "ok" to have symlinks in the local instance
directory structure to said /usr/share area.
NOTE: All usage is "read-only".
- For an instance, there is a collection of "prototype"
configuration files. Is it "ok" to store these under
the /usr/share area, and copy them to the local
instance directory (thereby maintaining the "read-
only" nature of the items under /usr/share)?
I have a collection of scripts that have a version
id associated with it.
I allow updating infrastructure by simply changing
a symlink from one version of the infrastructure to
What I want to do is have all database instances
sharing the version of the scripts that is selected
for that instance.
That is, your db instance could be using a different
version of the infrastructure scripts than I am, but
there is only one copy of the scripts for any version.
If there are "overrides" to a script (local mods), then
selection of that modified script is handled by PATH
On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 7:28 PM, Jan Claeys<lists at> wrote:
> Op vrijdag 05-06-2009 om 06:13 uur [tijdzone -0600], schreef LD 'Gus'
> Landis:
>> So, I would think that a good way to "package" Cache
>> would be to have it stored somewhere (under /usr/share??),
> /usr/share is for platform-independent files, which I doubt is true for
> Caché? (Some years ago I followed an unrelated course where a Caché
> manager was a teacher, so I know at least a bit about what it is ;) )
> --
> Jan Claeys
> --
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LD Landis - N0YRQ - de la tierra del encanto
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