shameful censoring of mono opposition

Mackenzie Morgan macoafi at
Mon Jun 8 15:04:55 UTC 2009

On Monday 08 June 2009 10:55:32 am Remco wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 4:44 PM, Mackenzie Morgan<macoafi at> wrote:
> > And in using Flash, we're Adobe technology users (even if, like I do, you 
> > swfdec instead of Adobe's plugin).  Sometimes pragmatism is needed to gain
> > enough users for the critical mass that would let us push back.
> That's different. Flash is ubiquitous on the internet. And it's not
> even installed by default. When <video> gets implemented by the major
> sites, Flash will get installed far less.

IIRC, <video> is:
1) only in HTML5, not XHTML
2) no longer requiring OGG Theora

#2 just gets us right back to the old problem where we need fifty billion 
codecs to play anything on the internet.

> And even if we were to use Flash technology, that's not the same as
> using Microsoft technology. Ubuntu's main competitor is Microsoft.
> Using someone else's dogfood (Mono) because your own dogfood (Java) is
> crap is not good advertising.

I would argue that our main competitor is Apple.  People jumping ship from 
Microsoft tend to go to Apple.  We're here to show there's an alternative to 
that jump.  Jumping from Apple to Microsoft is not as common.

> Mono is used for two applications: a photo manager and a note-taking
> program. Those programs are hardly a selling point of Ubuntu. And
> therefore, the use of Mono is unwarranted.

Yet the desktop would be incomplete without them and they have no *good* 

Mackenzie Morgan
apt-get moo
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