On apturls and repositories

Derek Broughton derek at pointerstop.ca
Sun Jun 7 02:02:53 UTC 2009

Jan Claeys wrote:

> Op dinsdag 02-06-2009 om 10:32 uur [tijdzone -0300], schreef Derek
> Broughton:
>> I would add - keyserver.ubuntu.com should handle HTTP lookups!  I
>> finally realized why I have so much trouble updating apt from work:
>> because the firewall blocks hkp.
> HKP is HTTP, so your problem is probably that you need some proxy
> settings somewhere...

No, it isn't.  HTTP is by definition over port 80 - or perhaps 8080:

$ grep http /etc/services
www             80/tcp          http            # WorldWideWeb HTTP
http-alt        8080/tcp        webcache        # WWW caching service
http-alt        8080/udp                        # WWW caching service

but hkp:
$ grep hkp /etc/services
hkp             11371/tcp                       # OpenPGP HTTP Keyserver

Keyservers _can_ handle http, but keyserver.ubuntu.com doesn't.  Of course I 
need proxies - but if keyserver.ubuntu.com was properly configured, I 

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