Share My Experience

Demetris Demetriou demetri86 at
Tue Jun 2 06:19:29 UTC 2009

Hello Ubuntu Team,

I want to share my experience with Ubuntu with you so you can fix any problems forward.

First of all, I had Ubuntu 8.04.1, all was fine until I upgraded to 8.04.2. 

Secondly, from the time I upgraded to 8.04.2 my computer (laptop) started freezing on any session at least once. I didn't know what to do, to make my system response.

Thirdly, I found a solution somehow, I upgraded to Ubuntu 8.10 and I think am out of problems right now. - Oh I forgot to say, I can't use 9.04 even though I have the disc, because my ATI Graphics card isn't supported on 9.04, my screen keeps flickering.

I'll stay on 8.10 I think, but please check out and give us information why on 8.04.2 many users had the same problem with me.

Thank you all!

Have a nice day

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