Adaptation of ocaml_transition_monitor to Ubuntu

David MENTRE dmentre at
Wed Jun 3 13:10:17 UTC 2009

Hello Stéphane,

On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 13:23, Stéphane Glondu <steph at> wrote:
> What about waiting for OCaml 3.11.1 (it looks like it will be out soon),
> and doing the transition at the same time in Debian and Ubuntu (so that
> we solve problems for 3.11.1 once and for all)?

I don't know. Initially, I wanted to finish transition to 3.11.0 in
Karmic because some packages are failing to build specifically in
Ubuntu (pycaml for example[1]). For other packages, they might just
need a rebuild request. I have started to investigate this but need
more time for a detailed report.

But if you think it is better to wait, I don't mind. I'm not a Debian
neither Ubuntu developer.



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