Ubuntu Desktop Unit Consistency (LP: #369525)

Scott James Remnant scott at canonical.com
Tue Jun 2 10:30:51 UTC 2009

On Tue, 2009-06-02 at 11:22 +0100, Andrew Sayers wrote:

> Scott James Remnant wrote:
> >     ... this is yet another strange postfix or unit that users would
> > have to learn.
> > 
> > 735.2 MB is not confusing if it means ~735,200,000 bytes.
> That's a good point for the short form, so long as the UI spells out 
> elsewhere what "MB" means.
> How about using "million bytes" by default, and "MB" where there's a 
> significant pixel constraint?  That explains things to the user of 
> average curiosity, and doesn't require any terminology they haven't used 
> before.
What would you use for the "thousand million bytes" case? :)

HINT: the meaning of "billion" differs between "thousand million" and
"million million" depending on your location.

Most people in the metric-speaking world know what Kilo means, and have
proved themselves able to learn Mega, Giga, etc.

Scott James Remnant
scott at canonical.com
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