Standing in the street trying to hear yourself think

Andrew Sayers andrew-ubuntu-devel at
Fri Jul 3 02:08:02 UTC 2009

Evan wrote:
<snip - metaforums and subforums>

I like this idea in principle, but in practice I'd be worried about 
messages being pushed back and forth between forums - your sound driver 
breaks, and the audio forum pushes your question to the driver forum, 
which pushes you back to the sound forum, ad nauseum.

I suspect the answer might be simpler than this.  I've been hanging 
around the beginner team this week, and a frequent complaint seems to be 
that people post without searching older threads (or sometimes even 
older posts in the same thread).  Adding a duplicate-checking feature to 
the beginner's forum (like we have for bugs in Launchpad) might make a 
significant dent in the number of duplicate threads.

	- Andrew

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