Internet-Teenagers and what Ubuntu can do.

Vasilis Kalintiris vasilis.kalintiris at
Wed Jan 28 03:31:57 UTC 2009

First of all, *excuse* me for my English...

I just watched a short  documentary that was describing  the dangers that
Internet  hides for many children-teenagers. Many teens are watching cruel
videos related to drugs, alcohol, sex, crime, death and so on... Most of
these videos are really hard and can traumatize the children. I ,myself, was
watching this kind of videos and now I can tell for sure that it would have
been better if I hadn't.

The main problem with every similar situation where a child-teen misuses the
Internet is that its parents know *nothing*.

I believe that it would be very nice to offer the ability to parents to
monitor theirs children activity on PCs in a simple and easy way. After all
Ubuntu is a distribution that offers simplicity and out-of-the-box experie-
nce to its end users.

For example we could provide a package with:

1) An advanced keylogger
2) A report system about the activity of the user (aka child-teen)
3) Restricted access to hardcore material
4) Logs from Pidgin and other common chat programs
5) Irregular - Suspicious filesystem activity notification (hidden folders)

HINT: I'm talking about an intergrated secure solution provided by the OS
itself and not services like

I don't think that this will be very complicated for example grepping the
keylogs for certain words and presenting them with GUI is something simple.
Also I'm  unaware of anything similar in Windows or FOSS community.

What are your thoughts? Would you like to help me with this project?
Do you have anything else to propose?

PS: a) I don't know if this is the right place to discuss this
       -> noise signal
    b) check these very informative links

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