Doing something about signal:noise complaints

Matthew East mdke at
Thu Jan 22 11:45:09 UTC 2009

On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 11:19 AM, Andrew Sayers
<andrew-ubuntu-devel at> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Ubuntu developers tend to complain about the ratio of signal to noise on
> this list - that is, the percentage of posts that take up their time
> without helping them to improve Ubuntu.  Many developers have apparently
> unsubscribed from the list for that reason.  Grumbling developers are
> never a good thing for a project, so I'd like to see what can be done
> about it.

I think this is a very good idea. If developers have genuinely
unsubscribed from this list, this is a very serious issue for the
community and needs to be addressed.

I personally think that at least in recent months the traffic on this
list has been more than acceptable. Developers don't need to read
every email, and the ones that are relevant to a particular package or
project generally appear from the subject line. There is the
occasional long thread that may not be particularly productive, but
with email client threading and the amount of storage space available
nowadays, this shouldn't really be a problem.

Anyway, thanks for taking the initiative and I'm looking forward to
seeing how this progresses.

Matthew East
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