Auto-launching of applications

David Barth david.barth at
Thu Feb 26 11:54:54 UTC 2009

(``-_-´´) -- BUGabundo wrote:
> Olá Mark e a todos.
> On Wednesday 25 February 2009 09:40:04 Mark Shuttleworth wrote:
>> 4. opening a system modal window in the foreground (obviously, this is only for total emergencies)
> Even in the case of emergency, can these *popups* not take control of keyboard (and may I even dare to say the mouse, if it already above the window) ?
> I'm not wishing for something like Mozilla's count down, of course (those who like that, can now throw me rocks), but some method that requires user *action* over the popup, and not accidental click.
The popups we're displaying (update manager is an example) are set with 
set_focus_on_map to FALSE, which means they shouldn't steal the focus.

This was recently added to the developer's guideline document here:

Additionally, there is a bug in compiz caused by a recent change, that 
prevented that to work correctly, ie the application was not focused, 
but was raised in the foreground. This was for cases where we /do not 
want/ the window to pop-up in fact. Metacity does not raise the window 
in this case.

To have a consistent behaviour between the 2 WMs, the Foundations, 
Desktop and DX team have agreed that the change should be rollback'ed. 

> [...]
> I've started a thread a few weeks back, on both -devel and -devel-discuss, called:
>  [RFC] Improve communication with testing users about master key changes in development branches
> that didnt get much traction, and in the light of your words I would like to resurrect.
> [...]
Sorry if I miss the point here, but aren't the release notes meant for 
that? If they are updated during the development cycle, that would 
provide a good feed to subscribe to, and is still in a format 
appropriate for listing /major/ changes impacting a user (as opposed to 
a full changelog for developers).

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