Extend the support of platforms in Soyuz

Luke Yelavich themuso at ubuntu.com
Sun Feb 22 22:52:59 UTC 2009

On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 08:19:24AM EST, Fale wrote:
> I have proposed with this ( https://bugs.launchpad.net/soyuz/+bug/332958 ) bug 
> to consider to support more platforms in the PPAs.
> This was my proposal:
> ---------
> I think it is very important for making *ubuntu grow, support more platforms 
> in PPAs.
> I think the main platforms that have to be supported are:
>  * amd64 (already present)
>  * i386 (already present)
>  * lpia (already present)
>  * arme
>  * hppa
>  * ia64
>  * powerpc
>  * sparc
>  * arm
> This would make a lot of software available for these platforms.
> The ARM company have announced that they want to put Jaunty on their ARM 
> processors...

PPA buildds are run in a virtual environment, in this case xen. The other architectures are not yet supported for PPAs because there is little or no xen support available for them. From my knowledge of these architectures, I think ia64 and powerpc are *probably* the closest to having xen support, but I think this is only with specific hardware, hardware that Canonical is not likely to invest in, since ia64, hppa, powerpc, and sparc are no longer officially supported by Canonical for Ubuntu.

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