Fwd: Is disabling ctrl-alt-backspace really such a good idea?

Thomas Jaeger thjaeger at gmail.com
Thu Feb 12 05:13:55 UTC 2009

I can't really take these blanket statements seriously if you can't
point me to specific bug reports, sorry.

Remco wrote:
> Client applications, and even X.org itself, will always have bugs.
> They are created by humans, and we are not perfect. In that respect,
> it is normal behaviour. So C-A-B will never become obsolete.
> Things that can happen:
> * Client can grab keys but hang.
In that case, you get the X Server back to normal by killing the client
and you should try and fix the client.

> * System can become too slow to be usable.
This is way too vague to make a useful argument.

> * Xorg/drivers can have a bug that locks the screen.
As I said before, I doubt C-A-B will help you there. Shift+SysRq+K
might, though.

> All of these things will happen in the future, no matter what you do.
> C-A-B will fix it in many cases. Hitting C-A-B twice is preferred over
> a dialog, because you can't reasonably react to a dialog if the system
> is too slow to be usable.

The only acceptable solution to me is fixing the underlying problems.
>From what I'm gathering here, it seems like C-A-B is actually preventing
this from happening, so I'm more opposed to it than ever.

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