Ubuntu and language packs

Surfaz Gemon Meme surfaz28 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 5 21:50:57 UTC 2009

2009/2/5 Mackenzie Morgan <macoafi at gmail.com>:
>> Although  the Ubuntu user has installed English translations, he use
>> French as the default language because it was that he chose when he
>> installed Ubuntu.
> But that option to re-run with "LANG=en_US firefox" and reproduce the
> bug to get English logs is gone if the English language pack isn't
> installed at all.

And.. again, correct me if I'm wrong...

Ubuntu is "Linux for Human Beings", non? Well, a Ubuntu user usually
does not know to handle a terminal, and therefore has no knowledge of
that function.

And.. I think that there is no program that has the records of error
translated into another language.

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