Solang or Shotwell vs. F-Spot for Lucid

Mohammed Bassit webceo123 at
Sat Dec 26 10:11:27 UTC 2009

On Sat, 2009-12-26 at 16:20 +1000, Chris Jones wrote:
> I'm still a little shocked that F-Spot is still included by default. Any
> software developer or any geek with a basic understanding of software
> development and programming knows that F-Spot is one of the worst
> examples of programming code/platform. To put it simply, it's shocking
> and to be honest I won't have a piece of it.
> I'm a photographic imaging professional and I use too many imaging apps
> to list here, but F-Spot is not one of them, for the simple reason it is
> slow, clunky and has crap file format support for anything outside of
> JPEG format.
> The Ubuntu Developers clearly have no understanding of this sector of
> technology and the IT industry and that sector being
> digital/photographic imaging. And if they did, they would ditch F-Spot
> and replace it with a suitable and "real" image management package.
> There are alternatives out there that have been mentioned 100 times
> already (which I'm not going to mention again). The developers seem to
> either have their hands full with other projects or are walking around
> with curtains over their eyes.

I'd really love to know more about the alternatives that have been
mentioned a 100 times if you don't mind. I can't find any personally.Not
that I like F-Spot, but I can't see much of an alternative.


Mohammed Bassit

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